Tuesday 20 August 2013


Pharmacokinetics is the branch of pharmacology in which we study the absorption, distribution metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of drug molecules.

Once the drug is administered through one of several available routes, four pharmacokinetic properties determine the speed of onset of drug action, the intensity of the drug`s effect, and the duration of drug action.


Absorption is the transfer of a drug from its site of administration to the bloodstream with no change via one of several mechanisms. The rate and efficiency of absorption depend on both factors in the environment where the drug is absorbed and the drugs chemical characteristics and route of administration. The extent of absorption is determined with bioavailability. It is the amount of an administered drug that becomes available for pharmacological activity after the absorption in the target tissue. For IV delivery, absorption is absolute. Drug delivery by other routes may result in only partial absorption and, thus, lower bioavailability.

A. Mechanisms of absorption of drugs from the GI tract

Depending on their chemical properties, drugs may be absorbed from the GI tract by passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, or endocytosis.

a. Passive diffusion: 
The driving force for passive absorption of a drug is the concentration gradient across a membrane separating two body compartments. In other words, the drug moves from a region of high concentration to one of lower concentration. Passive diffusion does not involve a carrier, is not saturable, and shows a low structural specificity. The vast majority of drugs gain access to the body by this mechanism. Water-soluble drugs penetrate the cell membrane through aqueous channels or pores, whereas lipid-soluble drugs readily move across most biologic membranes due to their solubility in the membrane lipid bilayers.

b. Facilitated diffusion: 
Other agents can enter the cell through specialized transmembrane carrier proteins that facilitate the passage of large molecules. These carrier proteins undergo conformational changes, allowing the passage of drugs or endogenous molecules into the interior of cells and moving them from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. This process is known as facilitated diffusion. It does not require energy, can be saturated, and may be inhibited by compounds that compete for the carrier.

c. Active transport: 
This mode of drug entry also involves specific carrier proteins that span the membrane. A few drugs that closely resemble the structure of naturally occurring metabolites are actively transported across cell membranes using these specific carrier proteins. Energy-dependent active transport is driven by the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate. It is capable of moving drugs against a concentration gradient, from a region of low drug concentration to one of higher drug concentration. The process shows saturation kinetics for the carrier, much in the same way that an enzyme-catalyzed reaction shows a maximal velocity at high substrate levels where all the active sites are filled with substrate. Active transport systems are selective and may be competitively inhibited by other cotransported substances.

d. Endocytosis and exocytosis: 
These types of drug delivery systems transport drugs of exceptionally large size across the cell membrane.


Drug distribution refers to the Reversible Transfer of a Drug between the Blood and the Extra Vascular fluids and tissues of the body (for example, fat, muscle, and brain tissue). Distribution is a Passive Process, for which the driving force is the concentration gradient between the blood and Extra vascular tissues. The Process occurs by the Diffusion of Free Drug until equilibrium is established. As the Pharmacological action of a drug depends upon its concentration at the site of action, so distribution plays a significant role in the Onset, Intensity, and Duration of Action. The extent of distribution is measured by Volume of Distribution (Vd). It is a hypothetical volume of body fluid that would be required to dissolve the total amount of drug needed to achieve the same concentration as that found in the blood. Distribution of a drug is not uniform throughout the body because different tissues receive the drug from plasma at different rates and to different extent.

The kidney cannot efficiently eliminate lipophilic drugs that readily cross cell membranes and are reabsorbed in the distal convoluted tubules. Therefore, lipid-soluble agents must first be metabolized into more polar (hydrophilic) substances in the liver using two general sets of reactions, called Phase I and Phase II reactions.

Phase I: Phase I reactions convert lipophilic molecules into more polar molecules by introducing or unmasking a polar functional group, such as –OH or –NH2. Phase I metabolism may increase, decrease, or leave unaltered the drugs pharmacologic activity. Reactions include oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis.

Phase II: This phase consists of conjugation reactions. If the metabolite from Phase I metabolism is sufficiently polar, it can be excreted by the kidneys. However, many Phase I metabolites are too lipophilic to be retained in the kidney tubules. A subsequent conjugation reaction with an endogenous substrate, such as glucuronic acid, sulfuric acid, acetic acid, or an amino acid, results in polar, usually more water-soluble compounds that are most often therapeutically inactive.


Elimination is the irreversible loss of the hydrophilic or polar drug, or food molecules from the body. Elimination of drugs from the body requires the agents to be sufficiently polar for efficient excretion. Removal of a drug from the body occurs via a number of routes, Kidny, liver, and lungs, the most important being through the kidney into the urine.

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